Thursday, January 1, 2015

On New Year Resolutions

A new year is a great time to get a fresh start.  I'm a fan of new year resolutions, though I concede that sometimes resolutions are made more for show or tradition than for any real intention of meeting one's resolve. I can't count the number of resolutions I've made over the years that just ended up falling flat on their faces.

But 2015 will be different.  This year I'm being more purposeful about what my resolutions actually are and setting milestones for myself each month to help me achieve them.  

Here's the low down:

I gave some thought to the areas of my life that I feel are the most important for a well rounded existence and general satisfaction with life.  Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Relational, and Environmental. I'm sure there's some school of thought somewhere that breaks these down differently, but these are the ones that I'm going with for now. 

So then I took some more time to think about each of these areas and check in on how I'm doing in relation to where I want to be.  Let me tell ya, when soul searching like this, one finds there is always room for improvement...huge gaping chasms. 

Over the next series of posts, I'll be breaking down each life area and sharing with you my personal discoveries, new year resolutions, and general thought mayhem.

In the meantime, what self assessment have you done or resolutions are you aiming at for 2015? Share your answers in the comments below.

Let's take this journey together!


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