Thursday, January 1, 2015

On Everyday Mom

First, let me introduce myself...

I'm Angela.  I am a writer of little renown (very little), a wife to one very special braniac-musician and an everyday mom of three.  And some days are easier than others.

Welcome to the Everyday Mom blog! Here is a place to contemplate and share some of the everyday goings on of a mom.  Not just the momming parts, either, although there is certainly a lot of that. You'll also find posts about my creative writing, books I enjoy, issues I care about, navigating relationships (not just the romantic kind), hobbies, recipes, decorating, and really anything else I feel like communicating with the world.

Whether you laugh at my quirky sense of humor, or the posts make you cry as hard as I am when I write them, I hope you'll find it all engaging and worth the bit of your time spent reading.


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